
  • De Vere Enlarger Manual Meat
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 18. 07:01

    Contents.Construction All enlargers consist of a light source, normally an, a or translucent screen to provide even illumination, a holder for the negative or transparency, and a specialized lens for projection; the light passes through a holder, which holds the exposed and photographic negative or transparency.Prints made with an enlarger are called enlargements. Typically, enlargers are used in a, an enclosed space from which extraneous light may be excluded; some commercial enlargers have an integral dark box so that they can be used in a light-filled room.Types of enlarger. Photographic enlarger.A condenser enlarger consists of a light source, a condensing, a holder for the negative and a projecting lens. Enlarger lens: using the diaphragm - aperture ring the photographer adjusts the iris.The image from the negative or transparency is projected through a lens fitted with an adjustable iris, onto a flat surface bearing the sensitized. By adjusting the ratio of distance from film to lens to the distance from lens to paper, various degrees of enlargement may be obtained, with the physical enlargement ratio limited only by the structure of the enlarger and the size of the paper; as the image size is changed it is also necessary to change the focus of the lens. Some enlargers, such as 'Autofocus' enlargers, perform this automatically.An is used to hold the paper perfectly flat; some easels are designed with adjustable overlapping flat steel 'blades' to crop the image on the paper to the desired size while keeping an unexposed white border about the image. Paper is sometimes placed directly on the table or enlarger base, and held down flat with metal strips.The enlargement is made by first focusing the image with the lamp on, the lens at maximum aperture and the easel empty, usually with the aid of a; the lamp is turned off, or in some cases, shuttered by a light-tight mechanism.The image is focused by changing the distance between the lens and the film, achieved by adjusting the length of a light-tight bellows with a geared mechanism.

    Electric timer: photographers choose exposure time.The lens is set to its working aperture. Enlarging lenses have an optimum range of apertures which yield a sharp image from corner to corner, which is 3 f/ stops smaller than the maximum aperture of the lens. For an enlarging lens with a maximum aperture of f/2.8, the optimal aperture would be f/8.


    A lens is a transmissive optical device that focuses or disperses a light beam by means of. A simple lens consists of a single piece of transparent material, while a compound lens consists of several simple lenses arranged along a common axis. Lenses are made from materials such as glass or plastic, are ground and polished or molded to a desired shape. A lens can focus light to form an image, unlike a. Devices that focus or disperse waves and radiation other than visible light are called lenses, such as lenses, lenses, acoustic lenses, or explosive lenses; the word lens comes from lēns, the name of the, because a double-convex lens is lentil-shaped.

    The lentil plant gives its name to a geometric figure; some scholars argue that the archeological evidence indicates that there was widespread use of lenses in antiquity, spanning several millennia. The so-called lens is a rock crystal artifact dated to the 7th century BC which may or may not have been used as a magnifying glass, or a burning glass.Others have suggested that certain Egyptian depict 'simple glass meniscal lenses'. The oldest certain reference to the use of lenses is from ' play The Clouds mentioning a. Pliny has the earliest known reference to the use of a corrective lens when he mentions that was said to watch the gladiatorial games using an emerald. Both Pliny and described the magnifying effect of a glass globe filled with water. Wrote a book on, which however survives only in the Latin translation of an incomplete and poor translation; the book was, received, by medieval scholars in the Islamic world, commented upon by, in turn improved upon.

    The Arabic translation of Ptolemy's Optics became available in Latin translation in the 12th century. Between the 11th and 13th century 'reading stones' were invented; these were primitive plano-convex lenses made by cutting a glass sphere in half. The medieval rock cystal may not have been intended for use as burning glasses.Spectacles were invented as an improvement of the 'reading stones' of the high medieval period in in the second half of the 13th century. This was the start of the optical industry of grinding and polishing lenses for spectacles, first in and in the late 13th century, in the spectacle-making centres in both the.

    Spectacle makers created improved types of lenses for the correction of vision based more on empirical knowledge gained from observing the effects of the lenses; the practical development and experimentation with lenses led to the invention of the compound optical around 1595, the refracting telescope in 1608, both of which appeared in the spectacle-making centres in the Netherlands. With the invention of the telescope and microscope there was a great deal of experimentation with lens shapes in the 17th and early 18th centuries by those trying to correct chromatic errors seen in lenses. Opticians tried to construct lenses of varying forms of curvature, wrongly assuming errors arose from defects in the spherical figure of their surfaces.Optical theory on refraction and experimentation was showing no single-element lens could bring all colours to a focus.

    This led to the invention of the compound lens by in in 1733, an invention claimed by fellow Englishman in a patent. Most lenses are spherical lenses: their two surfaces are parts of the surfaces of spheres; each surface can be concave, or planar. The line joining the centres of the spheres making up the lens surfaces is called the axis of the lens; the lens axis passes through the physical centre of the lens, because of the way they are manufactured. Lenses may ground after manufacturing to give them a different shape or size; the lens axis may not pass through the physical centre of the lens. Toric or sphero-cylindrical lenses have surfaces with two different radii of curvature in two planes, they have a different focal power in different.

    This forms an lens. An example is eyeglass lenses.

    More complex are lenses.These are lenses where one or both surfaces have a shape, neither spherical nor cylindrical. The more complicated shapes allow such lenses to form images with less aberration than standard simple lenses, but they are more difficult and expensive to produce.

    Lenses are classified by the curvature of the two optical surfaces. If both surfaces have the same radius of curvature, the lens is equiconvex. A lens with two concave surfaces is biconcave. If one of the surfaces is flat, the lens is plano-convex or plano-concave depending on the curvature of the other surface.

    A lens with one and one concave side is, it is this type of lens, most used in corrective lenses. If the lens is biconvex or plano-convex, a beam of light passing through the lens converges to a spot behind the lens.

    In this case, the lens is called a. Photographic film is a strip or sheet of transparent plastic film base coated on one side with a containing microscopically small light-sensitive silver crystals.

    The sizes and other characteristics of the crystals determine the sensitivity and resolution of the film; the emulsion will darken if left exposed to light, but the process is too slow and incomplete to be of any practical use. Instead, a short exposure to the image formed by a camera lens is used to produce only a slight chemical change, proportional to the amount of light absorbed by each crystal; this creates an invisible latent image in the emulsion, which can be chemically developed into a visible photograph. In addition to visible light, all films are sensitive to, and high-energy particles.

    Unmodified silver halide crystals are sensitive only to the blue part of the visible spectrum, producing unnatural-looking renditions of some colored subjects; this problem was resolved with the discovery that certain dyes, called sensitizing dyes, when onto the silver halide crystals made them respond to other colors as well.First and films were developed. Panchromatic film renders all colors in shades of gray matching their subjective brightness. By similar techniques, special-purpose films can be made sensitive to the region of the spectrum.

    In photographic film, there is one layer of silver halide crystals; when the exposed silver halide grains are developed, the silver halide crystals are converted to metallic silver, which blocks light and appears as the black part of the film negative. Color film has at least three sensitive layers, incorporating different combinations of sensitizing dyes; the blue-sensitive layer is on top, followed by a yellow filter layer to stop any remaining blue light from affecting the layers below. Next comes a green-and-blue sensitive layer, a red-and-blue sensitive layer, which record the green and red images respectively. During development, the exposed silver halide crystals are converted to metallic silver, just as with black-and-white film.But in a color film, the by-products of the development reaction combine with chemicals known as color couplers that are included either in the film itself or in the developer solution to form colored dyes.

    Because the by-products are created in direct proportion to the amount of exposure and development, the dye clouds formed are in proportion to the exposure and development. Following development, the silver is converted back to silver halide crystals in the step, it is removed from the film during the process of fixing the image on the film with a solution of or thiosulfate. Fixing leaves behind only the formed color dyes, which combine to make up the colored visible image. Color films, like, have as many as 12 emulsion layers, with upwards of 20 different chemicals in each layer; the earliest practical photographic process was the.

    The light-sensitive chemicals were formed on the surface of a silver-plated sheet; the process produced paper negatives.Beginning in the 1850s, thin glass plates coated with photographic emulsion became the standard material for use in the camera. Although fragile and heavy, the glass used for photographic plates was of better optical quality than early transparent plastics and was, at first, less expensive. Glass plates continued to be used long after the introduction of film, were used for and until the early 2000s, when they were supplanted by digital recording methods. Continues to manufacture glass plates for special scientific applications; the first flexible photographic roll film was sold by in 1885, but this original 'film' was a coating on a paper base. As part of the processing, the image-bearing layer was stripped from the paper and attached to a sheet of hardened clear; the first transparent plastic roll film followed in 1889. It was made from, now called ' film'.

    Although or 'safety film' had been introduced by in 1908, at first it found only a few special applications as an alternative to the hazardous nitrate film, which had the advantages of being tougher more transparent, cheaper.The changeover was completed for X-ray films in 1933, but although safety film was always used for 16 mm and 8 mm home movies, nitrate film remained standard for theatrical until it was discontinued in 1951. Began pioneering work on the light sensitivity of photographic in 1876, their work enabled the first quantitative measure of film speed to be devised. They developed H&D curves, which are specific for each paper; these curves plot the photographic density against the log of the exposure, to determine sensitivity or speed of the emulsion and enabling correct exposure. Early photographic plates and films were usefully sensitive only to blue and light; as a result, the relative tonal values in a scene registered as they would appear if viewed through a piece of deep blue glass. Blue skies with interesting cloud formations photographed as a white blank. Any detail visible in masses of green foliage was due to the colorless surface gloss. Bright yellows and reds appeared nearly black.Most skin tones came out unnaturally dark, uneven or freckled complexions were exaggerated.

    Photographers sometimes compensated by adding in skies from. In photography and image processing, color balance is the global adjustment of the intensities of the colors.

    An important goal of this adjustment is to render specific colors – neutral colors – correctly. Hence, the general method is sometimes called neutral balance, or white balance.

    Color balance is used for color correction. Generalized versions of color balance are used to correct colors other than neutrals or to deliberately change them for effect. Image data acquired by sensors – either film or electronic image sensors – must be transformed from the acquired values to new values that are appropriate for color reproduction or display. A rack and pinion is a type of linear that comprises a circular gear engaging a linear gear, which operate to translate rotational motion into linear motion. Driving the pinion into rotation causes the rack to be driven linearly. Driving the rack linearly will cause the pinion to be driven into a rotation.

    For example, in a rack railway, the rotation of a pinion mounted on a locomotive or a engages a rack between the rails and forces a train up a steep slope. For every pair of conjugate profile, there is a basic rack; this basic rack is the profile of the conjugate gear of infinite pitch radius. A generating rack is a rack outline used to indicate tooth details and dimensions for the design of a generating tool, such as a hob or a gear shaper. Rack and pinion combinations are used as part of a simple linear actuator, where the rotation of a shaft powered by hand or by a motor is converted to linear motion; the rack carries the full load of the actuator directly and so the driving pinion is small, so that the gear ratio reduces the required.This force, thus torque, may still be substantial and so it is common for there to be a reduction gear before this by either a gear or worm gear reduction. Rack gears have a higher ratio, thus require a greater driving torque, than actuators.

    Most stairlifts today operate using the pinion system. A rack and pinion is found in the steering mechanism of cars or other wheeled, steered vehicles. Rack and pinion provides less mechanical advantage than other mechanisms such as recirculating ball, but less backlash and greater feedback, or steering 'feel'; the mechanism may be power-assisted by hydraulic or electrical means. The use of a variable rack was invented by in the 1970s, so as to improve vehicle response and steering 'feel,' at high speeds, he created a low cost press forging process to manufacture the racks, eliminating the need to machine the gear teeth. Rack railways are mountain railways that use a rack built into the center of the track and a pinion on their locomotives.This allows them to work on steep gradients, up to 45 degrees, as opposed to conventional railways which rely on friction alone for locomotion.

    Additionally, the rack and pinion addition provides these trains with controlled brakes, reduces the effects of snow or ice on the rails. A rack and pinion with two racks and one pinion is used in actuators. An example is rack and pinion actuators that can be used to control valves in pipeline transport; the actuators in the picture on the right are used to control the valves of large water pipeline.

    In the top actuator, a gray control signal line can be seen connecting to a valve, used as the pilot for the actuator; the solenoid valve controls the air pressure coming from the input air line. The output air from the solenoid valve is fed to the chamber in the middle of the actuator, increasing the pressure; the pressure in the actuator's chamber pushes the pistons away. While the pistons are moving apart from each other, the attached racks are moved along the pistons in the opposite directions of the two racks.The two racks are meshed to a pinion at the direct opposite teeth of the pinion.

    When the two racks move, the pinion is turned, causing the attached main valve of the water pipe to turn. A rack gear, curved is called an arcuate rack; the term appears in many patent applications. A is a large outdoor advertising structure found in high-traffic areas such as alongside busy roads. Billboards present large advertisements to passing drivers. Showing witty slogans and distinctive visuals, billboards are visible in the top designated market areas; the largest ordinary-sized billboards are located on major highways, expressways or principal arterials, command high-density consumer exposure. These afford greatest visibility due not only to their size, but because they allow creative 'customizing' through extensions and embellishments. Posters are the other common form of billboard advertising, located along primary and secondary arterial roads.

    Posters are a smaller format and are viewed principally by residents and commuter traffic, with some pedestrian exposure. Billboard advertisements are designed to catch a person's attention and create a memorable impression quickly, leaving the reader thinking about the advertisement after they have driven past it, they have to be readable in a short time because they are read while being passed at high speeds.Thus there are only a few words, in large print, a humorous or arresting image in brilliant color. Some billboard designs spill outside the actual space given to them by the billboard, with parts of figures hanging off the billboard edges or jutting out of the billboard in three dimensions. An example in the around the turn of the 21st century was the billboards, which had three-dimensional cow figures in the act of painting the billboards with misspelled anti-beef slogans such as ' don't let frendz eat.' The first 'scented billboard', an outdoor sign emitting the odors of black pepper and to suggest a grilled steak, was erected on NC 150 near by the. The sign depicted a giant cube of beef being pierced by a large fork; the scents were emitted between 7–10 am and 4–7 pm from 28 May 2010 through 18 June 2010. All these billboards were painted in large studios; the image was projected on the series of paper panels.Line drawings were done traced with a pounce wheel that created perforated lines.

    The patterns were 'pounced' onto the board with a filled pounce bag, marking the outlines of the figures or objects. Using oil paints, artists would use large brushes to paint the image. Once the panels were installed using hydraulic cranes, artists would go up on the installed billboard and touch up the edges between panels; these large, painted billboards were popular in where historic firms such as Foster & Kleiser and Pacific dominated the industry. These painted billboards gave way to graphic reproduction, but hand-painted billboards are still in use in some areas where only a single board or two is required; the ' in Los Angeles is one area where hand-painted billboards can still be found to advertise upcoming films or albums. A digital billboard is a billboard that shows varying imagery and text created from computer programs and software. Digital billboards can be designed to display running text, display several different displays from the same company, provide several companies a certain time slot during the day.The changing texts ensure maximum impact and wide exposure to target audiences.

    The ability to schedule advertisements remotely, in combination with flexible real-time scheduling, has allowed for a decrease in traditional upkeep and maintenance costs. Additionally, digital billboards are continually integrating with real-time advertisement technologies to measure audiences or serve dynamic content.

    In January 2015, Ooh! Media launched a campaign with that detected incoming Porsche cars and displayed a dynamic piece of relevant content to Porsche drivers.

    In May 2014, released a poster. Conductive ink linked to sensors and speakers means that when touched, the poster begins to play music; the beer company claim it to be'the world's first playable music poster'. However, Agency Republic released the Powered Poster in April 2012. Creative agency, collaborated on a interactive poster using touch sensitive inks in April 2014. Outdoor Advertising, such as a mobile billboard, is effective.According to a UK national survey, it is memorable.

    Communications Group found that 81.7% of those polled recalled images they saw on a moving sign. This is compared to a 19% retention rate for static signs. Unlike a typical billboard, mobile billboards are able to go directly to their target audience, they can be placed wherever there is heavy foot traffic due to an event – including convention centers, train stations and sports arenas. They can repeat routes, ensuring that an advertiser's message is not only noticed, but that information is retained through repetition. Billboards may be multi-purpose. An advertising sign can integrate its main purpose with antenna or public lighting support; the structure has a steel pole with a coupling on the above-fitted advertising billboard structure that can contain telecommunications antennas. The lighting and any antennas are placed inside the structure.


    Common along highways are free-standing two-sided as well as three-sided billboards.Other types of billboards include the billboard bicycle attached to the back of a bicycle or the mobile billboard, a special advertising. A computer is a device that can be instructed to carry out sequences of arithmetic or logical operations automatically via computer programming.

    Modern computers have the ability to follow generalized sets of called programs; these programs enable computers to perform an wide range of tasks. A 'complete' computer including the hardware, the operating system, peripheral equipment required and used for 'full' operation can be referred to as a computer system; this term may as well be used for a group of computers that are connected and work together, in particular a computer network or computer cluster. Computers are used as control systems for a wide variety of industrial and consumer devices; this includes simple special purpose devices like ovens and remote controls, factory devices such as industrial robots and computer-aided design, general purpose devices like personal computers and mobile devices such as. The Internet is run on computers and it connects hundreds of millions of other computers and their users.Early computers were only conceived as calculating devices. Since ancient times, simple manual devices like the aided people in doing calculations. Early in the, some mechanical devices were built to automate long tedious tasks, such as guiding patterns for looms.

    More sophisticated electrical machines did specialized analog calculations in the early 20th century; the first digital electronic calculating machines were developed during. The speed and versatility of computers have been increasing ever since then. Conventionally, a modern computer consists of at least one processing element a central processing unit, some form of memory; the processing element carries out arithmetic and logical operations, a sequencing and control unit can change the order of operations in response to stored information.

    Peripheral devices include input devices, output devices, devices that perform both functions. Peripheral devices allow information to be retrieved from an external source and they enable the result of operations to be saved and retrieved.According to the, the first known use of the word 'computer' was in 1613 in a book called The Yong Mans Gleanings by English writer Richard Braithwait: 'I haue read the truest computer of Times, the best that euer breathed, he reduceth thy dayes into a short number.'

    This usage of the term referred to a human computer, a person who carried out calculations or computations. The word continued with the same meaning until the middle of the 20th century.

    During the latter part of this period women were hired as computers because they could be paid less than their male counterparts. By 1943, most human computers were women. From the end of the 19th century the word began to take on its more familiar meaning, a machine that carries out computations; the gives the first attested use of 'computer' in the 1640s, meaning 'one who calculates'.

    The Online Etymology Dictionary states that the use of the term to mean 'calculating machine' is from 1897.' The Online Etymology Dictionary indicates that the 'modern use' of the term, to mean 'programmable digital electronic computer' dates from '1945 under this name. Devices have been used to aid computation for thousands of years using one-to-one correspondence with fingers; the earliest counting device was a form of. Record keeping throughout the included calculi which represented counts of items or grains, sealed in hollow unbaked clay containers; the use of counting rods is one example. The abacus was used for arithmetic tasks; the Roman abacus was developed from devices used in as early as 2400 BC. Since many other forms of reckoning boards or tables have been invented. In a medieval European counting house, a checkered cloth would be placed on a table, markers moved around on it according to certain rules, as an aid to calculating sums of money; the mechanism is believed to be the earliest mechanical analog 'computer', according to.It was designed to calculate astronomical positions.

    It was discovered in 1901 in the Antikythera wreck off the island of Antikythera, between and, has been dated to c. Devices of a level of complexity comparable to that of the Antikythera mechanism would not reappear until a thousand years later. Many mechanical aids to calculation and measurement were constructed for astronomical and navigation use; the was a star chart invented by in the early 11th century. The was invented in the world in either the 1st or 2nd centuries BC and is attributed to. A combination of the planisphere and, the astrolabe was an analog computer capable of working out several different kinds of problems in spherical.

    An astrolabe incorporating a mechanical calendar computer and gear-wheels was invented by Abi Bakr of, in 1235. Abū Rayhān al-Bīrūnī invented the first mechanical geared calendar astrolabe, an early fixed-wired knowledge processing machine with a gear train and gear-wheels, c. 1000 AD.The sector, a calculating instrument used for solving problems in proportion, and division, for various functions, such as squares and cube roots, was developed in.

    I have a 4x5 DeVere with the colour head (not closed loop) and it's beautiful. DeVere equipment is very rugged, but also very well-machined. They are a dream to use. However, they weigh a ton. Check out the cost of shipping before bidding too high.I had an opportunity to buy a 5x7 closed loop DeVere but I passed because I am distrustful of the long term dependability of electronics (yah, I know, the colour head has electronics). Having said that, ANYONE will tell you that such opinions are foolish and that DeVere equipment is very dependable. The auction being discussed is says that it has '4x5' / MF / 35mm masks' and was made 12 years ago, so it must be a conventional enlarger for projecting film rather than a very new model that projects a digital LCD to the paper.I agree with Don, and this also applies to the Durst closed loop models.

    What happens if the fancy custom electronics breaks in ten years? It might be unrepairable. The mechanices on these enlarger can be fixed by an excellent machinst, but the electronics could be harder, particularly if there are custom parts. This was probably the ulimate enlarger for the pro lab that wanted very high through-put, but how much time is auto-focus going to save the amateur? Of course its a normal enlarger - i.e.

    For negs and positive.The point is that this 504 DeVere co-ordinated the Closed Loop head with the motorised Autofocus mechanism to mean that they work together for better productivity and accuracy. Very different to the regular 504, which you can find all the time.I used an AF one once, and you simply tap in the size you want on the keyboard, and then it moves and focuses at exactly the right point. You can set it up with as many of your lenses as you want, from 40mm to 210mm. The AF on that one was always spot on. Which for some reason surprised me! The same keyboard controls the color head values, and exposure timer.It seems built like a tank, and the AF mechanism is completely over engineered, so thats likely to give decades of good service untouched. In any case the manual focussing handwheels are right there still.

    As for the C/L color head, well, I know they can be serviced, and in the total worst case, you could just put a regular (non closed loop) DeVere color head on there.I have also moved a regular Freestanding 504 before, and its not so bad - put the head to the top, remove the color head and drop table, split the column (4 bolts) and it fitted in my car.These were very expensive items new though, and I dont think a lot were made, so kind of surprised to see an individual photographer had one, when you could buy a nice car for the same $. Raj - I've had two of these exact enlargers for 10 years, and nothing has gone wrong with either of them, not even once. So I have no idea where you get your information from, (durst?) but its dubious. Yes ZBE no longer makes this models guts, but they are still very much in business, and there's plenty of people in the UK who service them and have the knowledge to fix anything, and have parts. But like I say, all I ever needed was the rare service. If it did go wrong, theres always the manual handwheels (like a normal 504 DeVere) so - thats the worst that could happen: having to use it like a regular 504!Mine have worked flawlessly for over a decade. Seems boring to report it, but thats how it is.

    Peter,I too have a couple of these incredible enlargers and recommend them highly. The ultimate tag mentioned in the epay listing isn0019t quite right and would have to go to Zac Bogarts (ZBE) Sentinel enlarger. He took all the knowledge from his time developing the listed enlarger with DeVere, refined the design and made one called the Sentinel. Its manual (available online) reads pretty much like the devere version. The electronics are probably identical I think his improvements were more in the opto mechanical sensors, a streamlined body and of course the Starlite 55 head which is incredible and in my opinion the best colour head ever made (I have one). Its a huge improvement over the Closed loop DeVere variety.But Sentinels are almost impossible to source here in the UK and you'd be mad to ship one from the US.

    Regardless the Ebay listed DeVere is great. I have the exact same one in both floor standing and bench mount configuration plus a bench mount AF chassis with an Ilford MG head. This is my idea of a great darkroom setup.I find it really does what it says on the box so long as you ensure everything is precisely recalibrated on a fairly regular basis (not to complex or time consuming). Though it may sound gimmicky to people who havent used this system, being able to go to a precise print size in a flash and in perfect focus is such a time saver.

    But where it really shines is when start by gettng a good print at say 8x10 then bring it up to something like 16x20 or whatever and immediately bang out a perfect print. The head compensates everything for you including paper stock for it has a number of channels. Then you save your set up which you can return to any time later and after minor touch up to adjust for the inevitable colour processor drift you have the same print.

    The closed loop function takes care of drift from lamp aging.Its also compatible with BBS video analysers (dirt cheap these days). This is essentially a colour head with a sensor built in and mounted upside down ala slide copier. A calibrated video camera shows your neg on a high quality monitor and you adjust the filtration until it looks right then transfer the sensor readout to your AF Devere / Starlite and voila 90% hit rate first print but you do have to calibrate the video analyser daily. Still its great for hard and fast colour printing sessions.I can see why these were very popular in Custom labs specialising in high turnover stuff like wedding photos.They are built very well, the computer side electronics are relatively basic and serviceable, nothing too exotic. The encoders and motors may be a different story but as mentioned in a post above, this is industrial grade stuff made to work hard and last. It was also designed for quick and easy service.The ebay listing is on the expensive side but if you are a pro actually making ends meet in analogue then Id call it a fair deal. I paid a lot less than this.All this was ultra cutting edge around the start of the 90s and of course laughably Jurassic in this photoshop and inkjet era but I love it and wont be dropping it in a hurry.

    I see it as a perfect example of digitally controlled analogue and it works (well most of the time)I say haggle, I can0019t see anyone beating down his / her door at that price. Peter,The Sentinel came in all three configurations, bench, free standing and wall mount.The Sentinel is in my opinion a definite engineering improvement on the Devere. Zac Bogart is an absolute perfectionist and as far as I can see he took all that he learnt from the Devere collaboration and refined the design significantly for his Sentinel.Have you ever seen a ZBE Sentinel neg carrier? Its an absolute, impeccably machined engineering masterpiece. His version didn't have interchangeable format inserts like the De vere but instead the system used altogether separate carriers for every format to avoid any minute shift which the Devere carriers are very prone to.

    This carrier shift is a non issue on a manual enlarger but a huge deal on an AF system thats calibrated to 1/1000th of an inch, something that happens to the de vere carriers with the simple act of changing neg formats. Once it drops out you have to faf about recalibrating the carrier, something that barely ever happens on a Sentinel.The Sentinel encoder system was notably improved over the Devere, not to mention inclusion of a lens turret that informs the computer of which lens is active. There are many good reasons to move to a turret in fact Im surprised De Vere did0019t offer it as an option. Constant attachment and removal of Devere lens panels puts stress on the lens stage which eventually drifts out of alignment (remember, 1/1000th of an inch aint much) and forces you to realign the system fairly regularly.

    Devere lens plate removal is a clumsy affair and can result in accidental drops by careless employees under pressure. The turret does away with all this and lens change takes all of a couple of seconds.Zac Bogarts Sentinel was designed for his brilliant AF system from the ground up. A system that was essentially tacked on to the existing De Vere enlarger.

    De Vere Enlarger Manual Meatloaf

    It came together beautifully as the Sentinel and this is definitely my idea of the ultimate techno enlarger ever made, so damn good.I0019d take a sentinel over a Devere any day, but saying this I still love my three AF ZBE / DE Vere enlargers despite a few minor design niggles like mechanical drift. I can deal with this as a non Pro, but it would have been a real wind up in a busy pro lab back in the day. The lab I bought my colour AF enlargers from said that they got so fed up with recalibrating that they ended up using the system to get in the ball park auto size wise then switch into manual for final focusing.When treated with respect I find the Devere stays in line pretty well but I wouldn0019t want to run it hard day in day out. The Sentinel on the other hand is built to take a Pro hammering. DeVERE 504 manual and help with filter/timer keyboard controller made by ZBE inc. Please?Does anyone have a Devere504 with closed loop head?If you do you use one, would you have the manual for the Power Supply and filter/timer keyboard controller made by ZBE inc. Please, or any advice?The power supply was had a label underneath (none on front, just two switches and a push button) reads RST Developments repaired by CANLEY.My goal is to use a Analyzer Pro (RH Designs) to control the head, and wonder if that analyzer can be attached to control the head, with or without the ZBE keyboard?Best wishes,Gerry.

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